Hot on the heels of Scott's announcement on the future roadmap for Silverlight. The UK Community are pleased to announce INETA Europe's First Silverlight Challenge Competition. The details of which are as follows:

INETA Europe, is running an European Silverlight Competition. The competition is open now and runs until January 2th 2008.
How to enter? Easy. Create a .Net Component or Application using Silverlight and release it through an Open Source license (MS-PL) so INETA User Groups, Communities, Developers and Designers can use it on their own sites.
Each participating country will select a winner and then an European Silverlight Challenge winner will be drawn among the winners of the participating countries.
Entries will be awarded marks in the following four areas: Originality, Software Technique, Design and Utilisation.
Take part and take on the challenge and you could win amazing prizes with a market value close to €150,000
For more information on the UK Competition go to and for more information on the whole competition go to
For banners and other images go to:
Prize details -