Andrew's Blog

Random Thoughts of an ASP.Net Code Monkey

Blog Now Running on IIS7! - Thanks Discount ASP.Net

March 3, 2008 02:03 by Andrew Westgarth

Good Morning All,  I am very pleased to announce that I have now migrated my package with Discount ASP.Net to a Windows Server 2008 and IIS7 Hosting Platform.  This blog is now running in integrated mode as will all of my future deployments.   I'm very pleased with the service I've received from Discount ASP.Net.  I put in the request for migration about 21:30 (GMT) last night and by the time I awoke this morning I had a mail telling me everything had been migrated.  A couple of tweaks with configuration later and here we are my Blog running on IIS7 - Cool!!

For more information on Windows 2008 and IIS7 Hosting see the Discount ASP.Net Website for more details.

Categories: IIS
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Comments (2) -


Congrats on the move! If you've got any questions about Server 2008, check out the Heroes Happen Here launch events where there'll be experts on hand to field questions and run workshops about Windows Server 2008 capabilities.

Fred Reckling
Microsoft 2008 Joint Launch Team

FredAtMicrosoft | March 11 2008 12:04

Andrew Westgarth

Thanks Fred, I've been working with IIS 7 for a while but thanks for the notice.  I'll be in attendance at the UK Event in my community role and I'll also be running a local launch event in the North East of England - anyone interested keep an eye out on for details of an event near you in the UK Smile

Andrew Westgarth | March 11 2008 15:01


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