Andrew's Blog

Random Thoughts of an ASP.Net Code Monkey

11th VBUG Conference 4th and 5th November 2008 – Book Now!!

October 14, 2008 14:15 by Andrew Westgarth


I have been heavily involved with the Agenda for this year’s VBUG Conference and am pleased to say that we have been able to set up a great selection of topics and a plethora of excellent speakers including the Keynote by Roy Osherove, sessions from Ken Getz, Jeffrey McManus, Oliver Sturm, Tony Whitter and many, many more excellent speakers.

Session Highlights include

  • Tips and Tricks for Successful Software Teams
  • ASP.Net 4.0
  • Silverlight for Mobile
  • Distributed Caching for ASP.Net Applications
  • Create Managed Code for Office 2008 in VS 2008

We have a wide range of sessions with a good mix of introductory sessions such as Introductions to Windows Workflow accompanied by highly technical sessions such as Create Custom Workflow Activities.  Hopefully we have achieved a great balance of topics and there is something in the agenda to interest everyone.  For full details see the Conference brochure and for latest information see the conference pages on

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